Sunday, November 29, 2015


Well, here we are.
Close to graduating & the rest of our lives.
I've always tried to write something worth while.
Something Nelson would read in class.
But then again, I couldn't care less.
I don't care about page views or how many comments I get.
 I don't mind if i'm a nobody in this class.
The only thing that matters in life is what you do with it.
I am going to be something.
Not someone.

Someone is what you let others make of you.
Something is what you make of yourself.

I am going to be the kid who actually escapes.
The one who breaks free from this constricting, time consumed reality.
If that means i'm going to be 'homeless' in some desolate part of the world, then so be it. 

Hi, my name is Alexis McAllister. 
I like Yoga and Hikes.
My hair length is result to how lazy I am.
I own a total of 164 CD's
 I love cats probably more than I should.
I'm a dancer & I drive an old red Volkswagen.
I would rather be in Mexico living off the land than anything right now.
I've never been to Hawaii
I don't know how to tell boys I like them.
If it was acceptable, I would spend 23 hours a day wrapped up in blankets.
I make weird sounds when I get nervous.
I climb too many trees for a person of my age.
I have a secret cave in my closet that I hide from my extended family in.
I'm bad with small talk & I get attached really fast.
I don't know what I'm talking about half the time
& I take 2+ hours to write blog posts.
I'm not sure who I am yet.
But, I'm ready for life to begin and to finally find out.

Thank you to everyone who has commented and taken their time to read my blog.

Follow yer dreams yung saplings. stay true, stay yu. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ur heart

Yo, it's ur heart,
I want to be happy, and so do you.
Seems almost impossible at the moment though, huh?
It would be nice to not feel this constant hole in the bottom of myself.
But what can I do? It's completely up to you.
You know what you want, and you know what I need.
So get up and chase it, and don't stop until you catch up.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

appreciation post

"The area in a theater out of view of the audience, especially in the wings or dressing rooms."

Think about all of the people who assist you backstage.
Not just the people helping out behind the scenes during a performance.
But those who help you throughout your entire life.

Your Mom.
Brothers & Sisters.

These are they who support, love and encourage you.
The people you can always fall back on.
They stand backstage ready to help you when you fall, change scenes, and succeed.
Appreciate these people while you can. 
Give your mom a hug.
Thank your dad.
Tell your siblings that you love them.
Call your Grandparents.

The clock is ticking.
You wont have much longer with these people.
Be grateful for who you have.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Bottom of the list, bottom of everything.

Not sure if anyone will read this.
I seem to have been forgotten.
Not just in this class, but with everything in life.
Stuff is slowing down but speeding up with great force.
Everything that seemed to matter to me is fading away.
My dreams seem to be further than I thought.
With that, all of the stuff I've dread and avoided is swallowing me whole.
Stress and anger continue to eat away at happiness and peace.
Responsibilities and pain take over freedom and creativity.
I think I'm becoming an adult and I absolutely hate it.

Everything is mediocre.
This school.
This area.
This state.
This county.
 hell, even the world.
But you, you are real, you live a life just as vivid as my own.
The Princess Bride is fake, but I still find myself crying every time I watch it.

Why do I find emotion in nothing?
I find my brain fleeting from every thought I have.
It's jumping everywhere & I can't think straight.

Right now i'm writing this, avoiding the two math assignments, mythology homework, and choreography requirements I have.
I could be a genius right now if it weren't for this system.

 Why is my knowledge represented by a letter grade? 

If I spent my time creating something instead of solving for x, I could've changed the world by now.

But I realize I have no escape now.

 No escape from anything really.
No escape from this "education".
No escape from the pressure of this area.
No escape from having to choose a college.
No escape from sorrow.
No escape.
 Not even from my own thoughts.

It's all too real for me.

Everything is building and compacting on itself, charging toward me at the speed of sound.

It will hit.

 & when it does, I hope I am prepared.
Because right now, I am not.

how 2 pick up chicks

Hello, & welcome to my blog.
Today I am going to teach you how to pick up chicks.
Now as some of you may know, I too am a yung lady.
So for all you silly bois out there, LISTEN UP.
& for the ladies, just pretend this is how you pick up boiz.
Here in this simple 6 step program, I am going to show you how simple it is to pick up chicks.

Step 1.
All you guys complain about is getting rejected. you boys don't even know what rejection is. If you were to simply walk up to a girl, show a little confidence, and start a conversation. Odds are, that girl is going to be completely taken off guard & immediately become interested in you. so you're already off to a good start if you do this.

Step 2.
Not home, just her instagram or something. I hate to say it, but this seems to be the new way of flirting. Follow her, & like a pic or two. I guarantee that she will do the same back. If you're not on social media, skip to step 3.

Step 3.
Next time you see her, walk up and start a conversation, if it's going good, ask for her number. REMEMBER: always be happy and smile when you're around her.

Step 4.
Do not just text her and ask to "chill", walk up to that chick and ask her out. Have something planned, go somewhere fun. If she is "or you"  not comfortable being alone with you, make it a group date.

Step 5.
Keep asking her out, text her often, talk to her during school. keep repeating all of this until you know her well & know you still like her. If you don't like her, BREAK IT OFF. don't try and lead her on. If you're not interested it's best to just back out before you're in too deep.

Step 6.
If you've reached this point, she's definitely in to you, so have no fear & tell her how you feel!

Now, if only that's how it worked. But boys these days SUCK. Lets be real here, guys are simply lazy. If y'all were to just put forth a little effort, good things would come from it. So get yo head out ur ays & GO TALK TO A GIRL. Now, for you girls, YOU DO NOT NEED A BOYFRIEND TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT  YOURSELF. Having a boyfriend does not make you any more or less of a person. SO CHILL TF OUT YOUR TIME WILL COME EVENTUALLY. thank you 4 ur time.